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Importing Pets to Australia

Travelling or Relocating with Your Pet to Australia

The following is a summary of requirements for importing pets to Australia:

Pets require an import permit to enter Australia. Here are the general eligibility guidelines:

Must be at least 6 months old and have lived continuously in Canada for at least 6 months prior to visiting Australia.

Breed Restrictions:
Cats – no cats allowed that are of Serval origin (such as a Savannah cat), and any hybrid breed must be at least 5 generations from their wild ancestor (such as a Bengal cat).
Dogs – the following purebreds are prohibited entry to Australia: Dogo Argentino, Fila Braziliero, Japanese Tosa, Pit Bull Terrier or American Pit Bull, or Presa Canario. As well, any hybrid breed must be at least 5 generations from their wild ancestor (such as a wolf cross).
Microchip:must be implanted before vaccination and blood testing (following step).
Rabies Vaccination: within 12 months of export. Must be done after the microchip is in place.
Rabies Antibody Titre Testing: by a government approved veterinarian, and a government approved laboratory. Must be done between 12 months and 60 days prior to export, and after the microchip is in place.
Note: there is a minimum quarantine of 30 days in Australia for dogs and cats – may be more depending on time lapsed between blood sampling and arrival in Australia. Total time lapse between blood sampling (titre) and quarantine must total 180 days; therefore the sooner you have the blood test, the less time spent in quarantine.

General Vaccination Requirements:
Dogs – distemper, parvo, parainfluenza, kennel cough, hepatitis (DHPP + Bb). Also they must have blood tests (after the microchip is in place) for ehrlichiosis, brucellosis, leishmaniosis, and leptospirosis within 30 days of transport.
Cats – feline distemper, rhinotracheitis, calicivirus (FVRCP)
Other Requirements:
Internal Parasites – must be treated within 4 days prior to entering Australia. Must be effective on roundworm, hookworm, whipworm and tapeworm.
External Parasites – treatment of ticks and fleas. Tick treatment must kill the tick on contact. For dogs, they must be re-treated within 4 days of entry.
Product name, active ingredient, dose rate and treatment dates must be recorded.

There are many other steps that must be followed after those listed above when importing pets to Australia; please refer to this website and also look through their Information Package 4.