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Because They Aren't Just Pets, They Are Your Companions!

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The Cat's Meow,
A Feline Blog.

Ever wonder what the vet is like from the eyes of your pet?

Click here to see what our resident cats think of our place!


How Vet Smart Are You?
We've Got You Covered.

Owning a pet can be tricky, but we've got plenty of answers for you in our learning center.

Click here to learn more about owning pets!


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Pre-Surgical Instructions

Pre-Surgical Instructions For Your Pet

Your pet has been scheduled to come in for surgery in the next couple days, and we would like to extend this information packet to help you understand what that day will entail.

The night before surgery, please do not give your pet any food after 9pm, including no breakfast the day of the procedure. This is important before going under anesthesia. We will call you to give you a reminder.

When you drop off your pet in the morning between 8-10am (9-10 on Sundays), we will require you to fill out an Authorization Form. On this form, we will indicate which procedure will be performed as well as provide you with options that are typically done while your pet is under anesthetic. These options include a nail trim, ear clean, microchip or tattoo identification, anal gland expression, and so forth.

We will require a phone number where we can reach you during the day. This number is not only to give you updates on how your pet is doing, but also in case we have any questions for you, or run into anything unexpected during surgery.

Once you have filled out the necessary forms one of our assistants will take your pet to the back area to await surgery. Procedures are typically performed between 10am-2pm, depending on the days schedule. You are welcome to call and check in on your pet, but please allow us plenty of time for the procedure to be done. We generally give you an update only after your pet has awoken completely from anesthesia and is in recovery so that we can give you our best estimate for pick up time.

Most pets are ready to go home between 5pm-6pm. When you come to pick up your pet, please remember that they may still be a bit groggy. Generally by evening they are back to ‘normal’, but take it easy with them. Let them rest. Only give about half their normal amount of food for dinner, and very little water (they may be a bit nauseous).

If they are going home with medications, the assistant and/or the Doctor will go over their dosage and timing with you. Please follow these instructions carefully. Give all antibiotics for the full course. If you notice any vomiting after medicating your pet, stop giving the medication immediately and call Alta Vista for instructions. Of course, if you have any questions at any time, don’t hesitate to call or drop by either!

If your pet is going home with a buster (Elizabethan) collar – generally after any procedure involving sutures – they will likely find this extremely awkward at first. It is important that they keep it on until they have achieved adequate healing. An assistant and/or the Doctor will go over the timeline of the collar with you, and at the 1 week re-check we can reassess your pet’s progress.

That’s it! We look forward to seeing you!