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Because They Aren't Just Pets, They Are Your Companions!

Come See Your Vet, 7 Days a Week.

We offer a complete range of both non-emergency, and emergency vet services.

Click here to see the full range of services we provide!


The Cat's Meow,
A Feline Blog.

Ever wonder what the vet is like from the eyes of your pet?

Click here to see what our resident cats think of our place!


How Vet Smart Are You?
We've Got You Covered.

Owning a pet can be tricky, but we've got plenty of answers for you in our learning center.

Click here to learn more about owning pets!


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Our ultimate goal is to give our customers and their pets the best experience we can provide.

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Pet Ultrasound

Veterinary Ultrasound For Your Pets.

An ultrasound is a relatively inexpensive technique that beams high frequency sound waves into the body to produce a shaded picture. It has the same principles of the SONAR imaging used on boats. Soft internal structures such as the pelvis, muscles, pregnancies, kidneys, liver, bladder, vessels, and the heart are visualized by measuring different echoes reflected off their surfaces. Ultrasound imaging is especially accurate at constructing images of the interface between solid and fluid filled spaces. A transducer, or probe, is used to project and receive these sound waves and return signals. Gel is used between the probe and the patients’ skin to minimize the distortion as the sound wave passes through. The aim of this imaging technique is to identify abnormalities and pathologies. It is generally described as a “safe test” because it does not use electromagnetic radiation, which can cause chromosome breakage and cancer development.

We utilize services of a local ultrasonographer on an on-call basis in-clinic, and we also refer to board-certified imaging specialists.