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Because They Aren't Just Pets, They Are Your Companions!

Come See Your Vet, 7 Days a Week.

We offer a complete range of both non-emergency, and emergency vet services.

Click here to see the full range of services we provide!


The Cat's Meow,
A Feline Blog.

Ever wonder what the vet is like from the eyes of your pet?

Click here to see what our resident cats think of our place!


How Vet Smart Are You?
We've Got You Covered.

Owning a pet can be tricky, but we've got plenty of answers for you in our learning center.

Click here to learn more about owning pets!


We value our clients and animal companions!

Our ultimate goal is to give our customers and their pets the best experience we can provide.

Click here to fill out our Customer Satisfaction Survey and help us make your next visit even better.

Vet Laboratory Services

Getting To The Bottom Of Your Pets Health Issues.

Animals are inherently skilled at hiding health problems, and they cannot describe their symptoms even if they wanted to. This leaves veterinarians with an obstacle that human doctors do not have to deal with. This is why laboratory work is so important in veterinary science. It is often the critical variable in diagnosing an illness. Our in-house laboratory services include urinalysis, fecal analysis, blood glucose tests, and ear and skin cytology. We send blood, urine, or tissue samples to an off-site laboratory for routine health/geriatric panels as well as histology and other analyses requiring more comprehensive procedures. The results are usually available within 24 hours.