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My Letter to Santa

Written By on December 6, 2014
Reindeer Cat

Dear Santa Claws,

It’s that time of year again where I remind you what a good cat I’ve been this year!
Here are some of the things that make me so amazing.

I help fold laundry.

Laundry time

I supervise renovations and inspect all work, making sure it’s up to code.

Cat Renos

I help when our orders come in by checking that nothing is missed and all boxes are empty.


I taste-test everyone’s food to make sure it’s delicious, and do not discriminate against dog food.


I let my humans play dress-up with me.

Dress-up Time

I keep beds warm for my friends that are boarding with us.


I help with administrative tasks, like filing.

Filing Help

I monitor animals post-surgery, keeping them company as they wake up from anaesthesia.

Patient Monitoring

And I always go to sleep without complaining, and never ask to stay up past my bedtime.


I could keep going, but my paws are getting tired from all of this typing…

So you see, Santa Claws, I’ve been exceptionally good this year. I’m not asking for much; just that all the pets out there, especially my friends that come to visit me here at the clinic, have a safe and happy holiday season! If you could help out with that in some way, I’d really appreciate it. Thanks a lot!

Love, Sherlock