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Because They Aren't Just Pets, They Are Your Companions!

Come See Your Vet, 7 Days a Week.

We offer a complete range of both non-emergency, and emergency vet services.

Click here to see the full range of services we provide!


The Cat's Meow,
A Feline Blog.

Ever wonder what the vet is like from the eyes of your pet?

Click here to see what our resident cats think of our place!


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We've Got You Covered.

Owning a pet can be tricky, but we've got plenty of answers for you in our learning center.

Click here to learn more about owning pets!


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Our ultimate goal is to give our customers and their pets the best experience we can provide.

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Tag Archives: vet

Pet Dentistry – Do Pets Need Their Teeth Brushed?

Written By on August 11, 2015

Pet dental care is an essential part of keeping your pet healthy and ensuring a long happy life, 80% of dogs have periodontal disease by the time they turn four. In fact, it is the most commonly diagnosed health problem in cats and dogs! This remarkably common and sometimes life-threatening illness can usually be prevented […]

Halloween Humbug

Written By on October 29, 2014

Day 5686 with humans. They seem to be getting excited for a holiday they call Halloween. I’m still unsure of what this day commemorates, but it involves dressing up… And they’ve been eating even more candy than usual. They’ve even managed to dress up the suck-up, Sherlock… I’ve no idea how he puts up with […]